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Posted by Victory Hangers


Everyone agrees that regular exercise improves your body and gives you extra strenght, builds your stamina and empower the daily activities you perform during the day.


But, most of all, sport is about mindset and balance. Doing what feels right for the body does miracles for the brain and general state, stimulating endorphines and determinates hapiness.

Doesn’t matter the intensity or exercise type, as long as you keep moving your body every 30 minutes by doing some stretching or body rotations from time to time you increase the overall health and longevity.

 This is one of the key learnings from Okinawa citizens, the well known Japanese rule for having a long, fullfilling and happy life, together with tai-chi, gardening or even walking to a friend’s house.


Spending every day half of our life or even more, working on the computer and sitting does sometimes improve our brain but really depreciate our bodies and creates frustration.

At the end of the day we feel exhausted, but it’s a false tiredness for the body, actually, the body is almost unused but the mind takes over all the pain.

We need to consume the energy somehow, if we don’t, we hardly get a good and long sleep and sometimes we even wake up during the night.

The secret is to move as much as possible during the day, using a pedometer can be a an easy way to count the progress and monitorise the results.

Eating clean, drinking plenty of alcaline water and thinking positively will just make the picture and give a boost of hapiness and fulfillment.


What about some arms rotation right now? :D

Victory Hangers Team